Patient-Initiated Follow-Up

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After being seen in the dermatology clinic a follow-up appointment may not be arranged. In many cases the treatment provided at the initial appointment can improve/resolve the condition for which you were referred.

However, skin conditions can recur and change. If appropriate to your condition, you will be advised by the clinician you have seen regarding our PIFU (patient-initiated follow-up) pathway. With the PIFU pathway, if you have a recurrence of the same problem within the next 6-months you can contact us directly to arrange review; without the need to be referred again via your GP.

Please call our Clinical Services Reception on 01227 284314. They will then clarify with you when you were last seen in the Community Dermatology Service. If this is within the last 6-months they will clarify that you are calling regarding a recurrence of the same problem. If both criteria are met then a message will be passed to one of the dermatology clinicians for assessment.

If the time since the last Community Dermatology Service appointment is greater than 6 months, or if the problem is a new one then the Clinical Services team will direct you to your GP for assessment.